Stable Increase of the Sales Volume

Due to the effluence of the big epidemic-COVID-19 and Ukraine-Russia war, global economics speed is facing great slowdown in many industries for the past three years, many industries are facing big challenge of survival, unemployment and job cut appears everywhere, especially at the terminal market, purchasing power decrease a lot accordingly. Ocean freight experienced a crazy increasing of almost ten times of the usual period, even with all these negative factors, as for our company, it’s lucky that our sells don’t decrease, on the contrary, It stable increase with a level of about 20%. This stable increase indicates that:
1. Our company is at the high developing period;
2. Our management turn out to be successful;
3. Our product quality is reliable and stable;
4. Our service is good and in time;
5. Our delivery is on time, the percentage of on time delivery is 95%;
6. Mineral industry is the source of many industries;

In year 2023, our government have issued many policies to stimulate the economics, including financing support, marketing award, logistic help etc… all these actions will greatly help us to increase our ability and capacity, we can replace the old equipment and instrument, increase the capacity the quality, get more storage and fasten the delivery.

Presently, our order arrangement has scheduled to three months later. All production lines are in full working.

Our target increase volume of 2023 is still keep 20% level and in the mean time, customers diversity to more area and a deeper level. We will focus on the industry of Metallurgy and glass fiber, presently we occupy a very small part of these industries, one our product is actually more suitable for them and have great potential. We have full confidence to go to these areas further. Basic industry is till the main role of the society and plays a very important role of the vital economics.

Post time: Apr-26-2023